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Alabama Eviction Process Information; The Information is easy to understand, It take you from the Notice to Quit through the writ of possession. You get 24 hour access to buy Official Court Forms; just download them, fill them out and print them for filing your eviction with The County Clerks or Court House Office in your County/State.

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Forms: Alabama
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Forms: Alabama Eviction Pkg.


Alabama: Notice to Quit

If you are evicting for non-payment of rent, give the tenant an Alabama Eviction Notice that gives them 7 days pay the rent or to vacate the property. If you are evicting for some other lease violation, you must give them an Alabama Eviction Notice giving them 14 days to fix the problem or vacate.

It is good to hand-deliver the form, AND send it certified mail. Keep a copy of it… you will need this later on!

If the tenant does not leave, you then file the complaint against them for “Unlawful Detainer.”


The landlord-tenant relationship in Alabama can be terminated by either expiration of the lease term or for cause

Meaning a breach of the rental agreement by either party. In most cases, the landlord will allege some cause to terminate the lease before its expiration by either nonpayment of rent or by some material noncompliance of a lease provision by the tenant.


Month-to-Month Tenancy

When the landlord wishes to end a month-to-month tenancy but does not have legal cause to evict the tenant, then the landlord can give the tenant a 30-day written notice to vacate. This notice must inform the tenant that the tenancy will expire in 30 days and the tenant must move out of the rental unit by then. (Ala. Code § 35-9A-441.)


Fixed-Term Lease

When the landlord wants to end a fixed-term lease but does not have legal cause to evict the tenant, the landlord must wait until the lease has expired before expecting the tenant to move. Unless the terms of the lease specifically require it, the landlord is not required to give the tenant written notice to move before the end of the lease. When the lease has expired, the landlord can expect the tenant to move.


Self-Eviction – Such self-help measures are illegal under Alabama law
In some cases, an unruly tenant who is causing major problems for the landlord or one who is consistently late on the rent have led landlords to take unilateral action to remove the tenant. This may involve changing the locks on the rental unit, shutting off utility services, removing the tenant’s personal belongings or even verbally threatening the tenant with physical harm if he or she does not immediately leave. Such self-help measures are illegal under Alabama law. A tenant may bring an action in court against the landlord and may be awarded up to three times the rent or actual damages, whichever is greater, along with attorney’s fees.


7-Day Notice for Noncompliance or Misrepresentation
The Alabama eviction process begins with written notice given to the tenant. If the reason for early termination of the lease is material noncompliance with the lease agreement or conduct which materially affects the health and safety of others, the landlord must serve a 7-Day Notice. It must specify the conduct or omission that constitutes the material noncompliance and that the breach, if curable, must be done so within 7 days after the notice is received. Material noncompliance may mean having unauthorized persons living on the premises, unauthorized pets, or failing to maintain the unit in a clean and safe manner. Substantially damaging the property is material noncompliance as is possessing, selling, or manufacturing controlled substances in the unit. Other acts such as threatening other tenants or continually playing loud music or keeping garbage on the front lawn could be construed as affecting the health and safety of others. Please note that this used to be a 14-Day Notice, but as of 2014 is a 7-Day Notice.


7-Day Notice for Unpaid Rent

The other Alabama eviction notice is a 7-Day Notice for nonpayment of rent only. It is also called a 7-Day Cure Notice. If all rent due and owing, even from past months, is not paid within the 7 days, the landlord may then file a court action. The landlord should not accept a partial payment of rent during this time or it will likely invalidate the notice and the tenant can remain in the unit at least until the following rental period has expired and the rent has not been paid or some other reason arises for eviction.


Other Notice
When the rental lease expires, the landlord need not have any reason to ask the tenant to vacate the unit or property. Usually, the lease will specify the amount of time to be given to the tenant to vacate once notice is given, usually 30-days. For example, if the lease is month-to-month, the Alabama eviction notice is 30-days.


Service of Notice
Service of the notice may be in person or by a process server. If the tenant cannot be served personally, the notice may be attached to the door of the unit and the notice mailed to the tenant. The notice must contain the name and address of the tenant and the landlord, be signed by the landlord, contain the specific reason for the eviction and the time permitted for the tenant to remedy the breach if applicable.


Notices for Alabama Landlords:

Alabama Notice to Quit Prior to Eviction for default in terms of lease

Notice to Quit – Give Possession to Landlord – for Nonpayment of Rent – Past Due Rent

7-Day Notice to Quit (Non-Payment of Rent) – Grants a tenant seven (7) days to either pay the total amount owed to the landlord in rent or leave the property.

7-Day Notice to Quit (Non-Compliance) – Gives seven (7) days for the tenant to either fix a non-conforming aspect of the lease or to immediately vacate the premises.

30-Day Notice to Quit (Month-to-Month Lease Termination) – Given to a tenant-at-will to inform them of the landlord’s intentions of ending their rental arrangement. Must give the tenant at least thirty (30) days’ notice.


Unlawful Detainer

The next step in the Alabama eviction process is filing and service of a Summons and Complaint for Unlawful Detainer. If the complaint is for possession only and the reason is for material noncompliance with rental provision or conduct detrimental to the health and safety of others, the tenant has 7 days to respond. Should the complaint be for nonpayment of rent, the time to respond is 14-days. Failure to respond or object to the complaint will place the tenant in default.


A hearing on the unlawful detainer is held before a judge only. Both sides may present evidence and witnesses but it is the landlord who must prove that the notice was properly given and that the tenant breached the rental agreement by nonpayment of rent, by some material noncompliance with the written lease or by conduct or omission that materially affected the health and safety of others.

A judgment in favor of the landlord can include monetary damages including back rent, attorney’s fees and service of process fees, if any.



  • Breach of Warranty of Habitability

A tenant may claim that the landlord failed to comply with the applicable building and housing codes necessary to maintain the premises in a habitable condition, such as by providing essential services in good working order and making repairs on things affecting the tenant’s health and safety. These include running hot and cold water, heat, air conditioning, ventilation, plumbing and garbage removal.

In such cases, the tenant must provide a written notice to the landlord and allow at least 14-days for the landlord to make the requested repairs and notifiying him or her that noncompliance will terminate the rental agreement. If the landlord fails to comply, the tenant should contact the health department or call the housing inspector to inspect the property and to demonstrate that the condition was hazardous. The tenant may vacate the property with no further obligations under the rental agreement.

  • Retaliatory Eviction

A landlord cannot evict someone for making complaints about the unit to him or her or to some other agency, or for joining a tenant’ rights union or similar organization.

  • Discrimination

State and federal laws prohibit landlords from refusing to rent to, or in evicting someone, based on a state or federally recognized protected class. This includes race, religion, national origin, disability, marital status, pregnancy or sex. If disabled, the landlord is obligated to make reasonable accommodations such as allowing “seeing eye” dogs or by adding a ramp for wheelchair access


Writ of Possession/Appeal
If the landlord prevails, he or she must wait 7 days for the time to appeal to expire to obtain a Writ of Possession. If no appeal is filed, the Writ is given to the sheriff to serve on the tenant if he or she has not vacated the property. Usually, the tenant is given a short time to vacate or the sheriff will forcibly remove the tenant. The tenant can appeal to the circuit court and request a jury trial, but he or she must pay rent into the court while the appeal is pending.


If the tenant leaves personal property behind in the rental unit after the tenant has been evicted, the landlord must store the personal property for up to 14 days. If the tenant does not claim the property during this time, then the landlord can dispose of the personal property, with no further liability to the tenant. (Ala. Code § 35-9A-423(d).)



Retaliatory Evictions

Landlords in every state must follow specific rules and procedures when evicting a tenant, and must not take the law into their own hands. Examples of illegal "self-help" evictions include changing the locks, taking the tenant's belongings, removing the front door, or turning off the heat or electricity. Many states specify how much money a tenant can sue for if the landlord has tried to illegally evict the tenant through some sort of self-help measure. Some state laws also provide for tenant's court costs and attorneys' fees (if the tenant successfully sues the landlord) and/or give the tenant the right to stay in the rental unit.

Laws of Self-Help Evictions in Alabama  (Ala. Code § 35-9A-407)

Amount Tenant Can Sue For - Three months' rent or actual damages, whichever is greater. If tenant elects to terminate the lease, landlord must return entire security deposit and all unearned prepaid rent. Landlord pays court costs & Attny fees. 



Security Deposits


Property Inspections


Maintaining the Premises


Court Forms for Alabama Evictions

Sheriff / Police Departments

Autauga County Alabama

The Autauga County Alabama Sheriff's Office Civil Division
(Find information on our Directory Listing)


Autauga County Alabama Sheriff's (Website)

(Official Antauga Sheriff's Website Link)

Autauga County Official Website

Clerk of Court Autauga County Alabama:

Clerk of Court Autauga County Alabama
(Directory Listing)

Autauga County Alabama Clerks (Website)



fees/eviction informtion


Landlords Get Started with the Eviction: First you have to Serve the Notice to Quit wait the # of days ( Excluding weekends and Holidays ) or have us take care of this for you.

- Get All the Forms needed for a Alabama Eviction.
- Find Eviction Court in your County, Find out Court Costs Costs, Where to file the Court Documents (Clerk of Court Locations)
- Have the Papers Served, The Courts serve them using the Sheriffs Dept in your County. or have them Served by a Private Process Service Company (See the Featured Members on this page )
NationalEvictions has Services where we will Prepare the Court Documents, File for you with the Courts, We even have Law Firms ready to Stand before the Judges for you and see this eviction to the end.


Tenants Have Many Rights:  Antauga County Alabama

- If you have paid your rent and the Landlord filed an eviction to have you removed from his apt.
- The Landlord has not Repaired anything in the Apt. The AC has been broken for 2 months, the Hot Water Heater does not work. The Roof Leaks.
- I am getting Harassed by the Landlord, What are My Rights as a Tenant in Alabama
- What do i do if i am being Evicted. How much time do i have before i have to leave, or get kicked out.
Many times Tenants do not know or understand the eviction process, We help you with answering some questions and concerns you may have!