Barrow County Georgia – Clerk of Court 0 5 0 0

Barrow County Georgia – Clerk of Court

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Barrow County Georgia – Clerk of Court

The Chief Magistrate of the Magistrate Court is elected by the voters for four year terms. The Magistrate Court has criminal and civil jurisdictions. The criminal jurisdiction’s responsibilities include issuing arrest and search warrants as well as good behavior bonds, conducting first appearances, setting bonds, extradition, committal, and warrant application hearings, presiding over and conducting trials for county ordinance violations, misdemeanor bad check, criminal trespass, alcohol beverage violations involving persons under 21 years of age, shoplifting, and possession of marijuana less than one ounce. The civil jurisdiction’s responsibilities include the trial and adjudication of civil claims for $15,000 or less, dispossessory and distress warrant proceedings, abandon motor vehicle, foreclosures, and garnishments. Evictions are filed with the Magistrate Court in Georgia.


Barrow County Courthouse
652 Barrow Park Drive, Suite F
Winder, GA 30680

Caroline Evans
Magistrate Court Judge

8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Monday – Friday

The Clerk of Superior Court’s Office
maintains Superior Court and Juvenile Court records, transmits all appeals to the Georgia Court of Appeals and Georgia Supreme Court, and records real estate transactions such as warranty deeds, quit claim deeds, security deeds, assignments, right-of-way deeds, easements, property plats, and power of attorney documents. In addition, this office is also responsible for recording fi fas, military discharges, trade names, UCCs (Uniform Commercial Code), and various sorts of liens including mechanic liens, property tax liens, and hospital/doctor liens. In addition, this office collects probation fines, child support payments, and property transfer taxes. This department is also responsible for filing criminal cases, maintaining criminal warrants, and transmitting documents to GCIC and DMV. This elected office also files civil cases such as divorces/annulments, adoptions, child support, name changes, habeas corpus cases, suites for damages, garnishments, and repossessions. This office also issues notary appointments, performs jury management, keeps election ballots for the statutory time limit of two years, and assists the general public with obtaining various court records. Lastly, this office provides administrative support to the Board of Equalization.

Regina Mcintyre
Clerk of Superior Court

652 Barrow Park Drive, Suite B
Winder, GA 30680
Phone: (770) 307-3035

8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday – Friday

Contact Details