Franklin County Florida – Clerk of Court 0 5 0 0

Franklin County Florida – Clerk of Court

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Franklin County Florida – Clerk of Court


33 Market St., Ste. 203, Apalachicola, FL 32320
Telephone (850) 653-8861 ext. 103
Clerk-Board Fax (850) 653-4795
Fax (850) 653-2261

Marcia M. Johnson, Clerk of the Courts for Franklin County Florida is a duly elected Constitutional Officer as mandated by Article V, Section 16 of the Constitution of the State of Florida. The electorate of Franklin County elects the Clerk to a four-year term. Johnson was elected to the Office of the Clerk in August 2004.

Pursuant to provisions of the Florida Constitutions, which have governed the people for over 150 years, the role of the Clerk of Courts has been established in three main areas;

  • Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts
  • Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, including serving as accountant, auditor, and custodian of county funds.
  • County Recorder

Within these areas, the Clerk of Court as an elected public trustee sets in place at the county level a system of “checks and balances” which has been proven to serve the public well.


Civil Division Evictions

If the tenant has not paid the rent, the landlord is required to give a three day notice in writing to vacate the premises or pay the rent.  (Please state the full amount due).  After three full days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) have elapsed from the date of the notice (not counting the date the notice is delivered to the tenant), if the tenant has not complied with the notice, the landlord then comes to the Clerk’s Office and files the complaint for eviction of the tenant.


Apalachicola Office
33 Market Street, Suite 203
Apalachicola, FL 32320
Toll-free from Carrabelle: 850-697-2112
Monday – Friday (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)

Carrabelle Annex
912 N.W. Avenue A
Carrabelle, FL 32322
850-697- 3263
Thursdays, 8:15 AM to 4:45 PM
Closed for lunch 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Contact Details

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