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980869_625593244137045_1653025843_oWe will continually strive to maintain and enhance the quality of life in Lake County through service to the community, by working together to provide effective crime prevention, law enforcement and judicial support.


The Civil Department has a very broad function at the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. We currently employ six clerical positions plus our eight Civil Deputies that complete our department.
Primary Function:  The main function in the Civil Department is to serve process, which includes non-enforceable papers and enforceable papers. The office staff receives and processes the paperwork for the deputies to serve. The majority of our papers are non-enforceable. Currently the non-enforceable papers average 1700 a month and the enforceable papers average 300 a month.
Quick attention to this paperwork is the Civil Departments’ number one priority. The Civil Department is also responsible to the public, either in person at the Sheriff’s Office or by telephone, to give the most current information and updates on service and to clearly explain our policies and procedures, as we follow the Rules of Civil Procedure and the Florida Statutes. However, the department does not have attorneys and with that, we can not give legal advice.
FEES:  The below fees are charged by the Civil Department.
     NOTE: Fees are earned upon receipt of Civil Process when each “Request of service” is made, and by Florida Statute these fees are non-refundable. Fees are based on one defendant or respondent or witness, fee is per party served. Fees must be cash, money order or business checks. NO PERSONAL CHECKS.

Non Enforceables:
Summons, Subpoenas, Notices, Garnishments, Notices of Tax Sale and all other non-enforceables including alias and pluries $40.00
     *The Lake County Sheriff’s Office does not serve out of state non-enforceable papers. You must contact a process server to serve these papers. You can find a list of all certified process servers certified through the court system at
Writs of Replevin, Writs of Bodily Attachment and Writs of Possession $90.00
Levy Minimum Cost Deposits:
Vehicles, small boats and small trucks $2,800
Large trucks and large boats $3,000
Real Property $1,500
     *The advance cost deposits may be more substantial if additional cost must be incurred such as locksmith, electrician, heavy equipment operator, etc. However, the cost deposit includes the following statutory fees.
Personal Property (i.e. Household or Office Furnishings):
Deposit amounts will vary depending on the quantity and size of the items being levied upon. A complete inventory list will need to be seen by the Levy Clerk of the Civil Department before an amount is determined.
Sheriff’s Fees for Levy:
Sheriff’s levy or demand of property $50.00
Preparing Newspaper Advertisement $40.00
Certified Mail to all Parties Costs will vary
Holding Sheriff’s Sale $40.00 per sale
Bill of Sale or Sheriff’s Deed $40.00
Satisfaction of Judgment $40.00
Filing/Recording fee actual clerk fees
Processing Writ and Preparing File $40.00

**Filing fee paid to Clerk of Court and is required for both notice and release of levy PLUS – Actual expenses incurred for newspaper advertisement, storage, haulage and $30.00 per hour per officer stand-by fee. Actual costs may be more or less. After costs are paid for levy, the balance of cost deposit is refundable.
Please make business checks and money orders out to Lake County Sheriff’s Office.
Documents and fees can be mailed or hand delivered (Mon – Fri, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm) to:
Lake County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Civil Department
360 W Ruby Street
Tavares, FL 32778


Contact Details

  • Address: 360 W. RUBY STREET, TAVARES FL 32778
  • GPS: 28.801351,-81.730455
  • Phone: (352) 343-9500
  • Mobile Phone: CIVIL: (352) 343-9519
  • Website:

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