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(636) 797-8480

Lawdog Investigative Service is a full service private investigative service located in Hillsboro, Missouri.  Our investigators are fully licensed, bonded, and insured in the State of Missouri.  Our company is comprised of retired law enforcement in the State of Missouri and have the experience to assist you with any case.

*We provide both vehicle ignition interlock and mobile alcohol monitoring services provided by Lifesafer.  Both services are offered through the courts as well as on a voluntary basis.  If you have an attorney in your case, have them contact us for special pricing and a free installation.



Legal Process Services:

With flat-rate pricing, rush service and same day document processing, Lawdog Investigative Service stands far above its competition .  We except job orders via telephone, fax, email, US Postal Service, overnight delivery, and online, 24 hours a day/seven days a week.  All jobs are tracked through our computer system, providing clients with real time status updates to include GPS location.  Clients will have access to all active and closed jobs through our system.

We provide the following services:

  • Local and Nationwide Legal Process Services
  • Nationwide Document Services
  • Notary Service including Mobile notary
  • Rush Services
  • Witness Fee Checks Advanced
  • Trustee Foreclosures
  • Court issue, Filing, and Photocoping
  • Courthouse Records Research and Retrieval


Investigative Services:

When circumstances call for private investigation in either a criminal or civil suit, you want the job done quickly and efficiently.  With Lawdog Investigative Service, you are hiring a licensed, bonded, and insured company with experienced professionals with proven track record.  Lawdog Investigative Service, has the tools, connections, resources, and experience you need.

We specialize in difficult skip traces, working to locate your target, at either home or place of employment, allowing you to find exactly who you are looking for and the infomation you need to contact them.

Want to keep an eye on someone?  Contact us for your professional and discrett surveillance needs, or let us do the behind the scenes work with assest investigations and background investigations on both individuals and corporations.  We have the resources and knowledge to get to the bottom line, from the simple to the complex with complete profile workups.

Don’t let big jobs be a hassle!  Lawdog Investigative Service can assist you with high volume cases, including class action lawsuits with limited infomation on multiple targets.

Here’s a list of all our services:

  • Adoption Locates
  • Corporate Fraud
  • Criminal and Civil Histories
  • Difficult Skip Trace Locates
  • Driver’s License History
  • Employment Screening
  • Federal and State Tax Filings/Liens
  • Insurance Fraud Investigations
  • Place of Employment Locate Investigations
  • Surveillance
  • Telephone Record Research
  • Vehicle License Plate Research
  • Workers Compensation Investigations



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